Goals for 2015: The Farmer’s Wife Version

I know everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, but I also know hardly anyone keeps them past January.  So instead I am going to make “goals” for 2015.  Basically these are things I said I was going to do last year, and never got to.  Hmm…this is starting to sound familiar…New Year’s resolutions anyone?  Either way, 2015 is THE year.  It is the year where Things. Will. Get. Done.  In no particular order:

The beautiful gray and teal office that I have been envisioning.  (This is currently in process.  And I will be posting pictures).

More DIY projects.  As many as I can possibly handle.

An array of homemade, all natural cleaning products and beauty products.

Learning to cook with more fresh and healthy foods.  We have really done a pretty good job of this, but I know there is SO much more out there we have yet to try.

Along with the food category, meal-prepping and freezing more whole meals so dinner is maybe easy for once.  Or at least easier.

Cleaning the house more often.  I never dust.  I am not ashamed.

On more of the farm side, learning how to run more equipment.

Organizing farm receipts, invoices, and whatever other kind of paperwork is floating around.

Keep track of the farm LLC meeting minutes and official business.

Shifting away from the farm, and more towards the “Horses” part of this blog’s title, commit more hours to my horses.  It’s time to enter the arena again and actually be a competitor.

And last but definitely not least, commit more hours to this blog!  Writing is my passion and I know there is so much power in blogging.